Frequently asked questions for self help.

Please take a quick look at common questions (and answers) in the default list. If you can't find what you're looking for, start off by selecting your Ability Office version and then narrow it down by entering search text and/or category.

Search results

Download and Installation
185 Windows installer error 1638
181 Microsoft Defender paranoid mode
178 Additional version 10 installs
177 Alternate install for version 10
170 Installer "cannot find MSI"
158 Cannot start any Ability program - Windows error message (GPF)

Product Keys, Activation, Registration
188 The serial number is valid but is for an earlier version
186 My email has changed - how does this affect activation?
180 Change of email address after activation
169 Activation state invalid
176 Cannot find serial number
173 Activation required on each run of an Ability application (after successful activation)
174 Error or problem when activating the software

49 Error message on opening a PDF file in Ability
148 Error "W048F32W.DLL Not Found" (or similar)

166 Printer not activated, error code - 30 when printing to PDF

66 Automatically saving your work
151 Spell check language options
175 Crash on saving/opening a file

179 Toolbar update warning message on starting Spreadsheet

120 No toolbar or menu visible
119 What license agreement does Ability operate under
139 Technical Support Policy