Téléchargements Legacy

Veuillez noter qu'aucun de ces produits n'est à jour. Sauf si vous avez une bonne raison (par exemple, vous êtes un utilisateur existant de l'une des versions ci-dessous ou vous avez un ancien système d'exploitation), veuillez consulter la page de téléchargement pour notre version actuelle .

Utilisateurs existants : notez que vous pouvez toujours passer à la dernière version.

Ability Office 10 (discontinued 2022)

Please click on the link below and follow the on-screen instructions.

Ability Office Standard 10Ability Office Professional 10

Ability Office 9 (discontinued 2020)

Please click on the link below and follow the on-screen instructions.

Ability Office Standard 9Ability Office Professional 9

Ability Office 8 (discontinued 2020)

Please click on the link below and follow the on-screen instructions.

Ability Office Standard 8Ability Office Professional 8

Ability Office 7 (discontinued 2018)

Please click on the link below and follow the on-screen instructions.

Ability Office Standard 7Ability Office Professional 7

Ability Office 6 (discontinued 2017)

Warning: not suitable for high-res (4k) screens with high DPI settings

Click on the link below and follow the on-screen instructions.

Ability OfficeOffice Professional

An alternative zip install is also available. Please see the Install FAQ # 145.

Ability Office 5 (discontinued 2013)

Warning: not suitable for Windows 10 and later

OEM versions are exactly as retail versions except a different serial number is required. If you have an existing serial number and are unsure whether you have a retail or OEM serial number, please contact support.

Click on the link below and follow the on-screen instructions.

Install Install Install Install Install Install
Install Install Install Install Install Install
Install Install Install Install Install Install
Install Install Install Install Install Install
Install Install Install Install Install Install
Install Install Install Install Install Install
Install Install Install Install Install Install
Install Install Install Install Install Install

Ability Office 4 (discontinued 2008)

Warning: not suitable for Windows 7 and later

Click on the installer below and follow the on-screen instructions.

Install v4

An alternative zip install is also available. Please see the Install FAQ # 22.

Ability Office 2002 (discontinued 2004)

Warning: not suitable for Windows XP and later

Download instructions: Please select from the link(s) below. When your browser prompts you, select "Save" and make a note of the location. When the download is complete you can click on the next link (if there is more than one). When all the files are downloaded, use Start/Run on each of the files to install.

Recommended updates: Download and install the latest update to your 2002 version. There is no charge for this service.

Ability Office 2002 14.1MB Dec 2003

Ability Office Studio 2002 6.6MB Dec 2003 (make sure you also download the update above)

Optional Spell Checkers:

US spell checker/thesaurus 1.5MB Dec 2003
UK spell checker/thesaurus 1.1MB Dec 2003
French spell checker/thesaurus 1.2MB Dec 2003
German spell checker/thesaurus 2.0MB Dec 2003
Spanish spell checker/thesaurus 1.6MB Dec 2003
Dutch spell checker/thesaurus 1.4MB Dec 2003
Danish/Swedish/Noregian/Finnish spell checker/thesaurus 3.7MB Dec 2003
Hungarian spell checker 976.7K Dec 2003

Optional Import/Export filters:

Filter Pack 1 (Microsoft Word 95/97/2000, Works, RTF) 2.3MB Dec 2003
Filter Pack 2 (AmiPro/WordPro, WordStar, WordPerfect) 2.4MB Dec 2003
Filter Pack 3 (VolksWriter, DCA/RFT, Samna) 2.4MB Dec 2003

Ability Office 2000 (discontinued 2004)

Warning: not suitable for Windows XP and later

Download instructions: Please select from the link(s) below. When your browser prompts you, select "Save" and make a note of the location. When the download is complete you can click on the next link (if there is more than one). When all the files are downloaded, use Start/Run on each of the files to install.

Updates: Download and install the latest 2000 version. There is no charge for this service.

Ability Office 2000 11.6MB Dec 2003

Optional Spell Checkers:

US spell checker/thesaurus 1.5MB Dec 2003
UK spell checker/thesaurus 1.1MB Dec 2003
French spell checker/thesaurus 1.2MB Dec 2003
German spell checker/thesaurus 2.0MB Dec 2003
Spanish spell checker/thesaurus 1.6MB Dec 2003
Dutch spell checker/thesaurus 1.4MB Dec 2003
Danish/Swedish/Noregian/Finnish spell checker/thesaurus 3.7MB Dec 2003
Hungarian spell checker 976.7K Dec 2003

Optional Import/Export filters:

Filter Pack 1 (Microsoft Word 95/97/2000, Works, RTF) 2.3MB Dec 2003
Filter Pack 2 (AmiPro/WordPro, WordStar, WordPerfect) 2.4MB Dec 2003
Filter Pack 3 (VolksWriter, DCA/RFT, Samna) 2.4MB Dec 2003

Ability Office 98 (discontinued 2000)

Warning: not suitable for Windows XP and later

Download instructions: Please select from the link(s) below. When your browser prompts you, select "Save" and make a note of the location. When the download is complete you can click on the next link (if there is more than one). When all the files are downloaded, use Start/Run on each of the files to install.

Updates: Download and install the latest 98 version. There is no charge for this service.

Ability Office 98 7.2MB Dec 2003

Optional extras:

US spell checker/thesaurus 886.0K Dec 2003
UK spell checker/thesaurus 487.5K Dec 2003
Import/export filters - Microsoft Word 8.0/97/2000 873.2K Dec 2003
Import/export filters - Lotus Word Pro 96/97 1.5MB Dec 2003
Import/export filter - all others 1.6MB Dec 2003

DOS and Windows 3.1 (historical interest only!)

Warning: DOS versions will not run on Windows Vista and later

Please see this seperate download page.