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Artículo de la base de conocimiento 34
Cannot uninstall/re-install - error message asking for a patchProblem: On uninstall, or re-install or attempt to apply a patch, the following error message is displayed:
"This Patch Package could not be opened. Verify that the Patch Package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid windows installer."
Cause: Windows Installer, a Microsoft technology, keeps a track of what software has been installed in the registry. This information has been corrupted.
Solution: First attempt to uninstall Ability Office 4 using Start/Control Panel. Next, see the following Microsoft FAQ and run the utility it suggests:;en-us;295823&spid=2488&sid=307
After running the utility, you will be offered a choice of programs. Select Ability Office 4 and click Remove.