Preguntas más frecuentes
Preguntas frecuentes de autoayuda.
Eche un vistazo rápido a las preguntas (y respuestas) comunes en la lista predeterminada. Si no puede encontrar lo que está buscando, comience seleccionando su versión Ability Office y luego redúzcalo ingresando el texto de búsqueda y/o la categoría.
Artículo de la base de conocimiento 117
How to provide the right informationWhy am I being referred to this page? You may have been sent an email back from support asking you to read this FAQ. The most likely reason is that the query you raised did not contain sufficient detail. In all cases, we need the following information as an absolute minimum:
- Version of Ability in use. This is the number in the format 4.7.000 displayed in the Help/About dialog in any Ability application.
- Product key. This is also displayed in the Help/About dialog.
- Version of Windows in use.
- A good description of what happened. For example, if a file won't open, say what the exact error message is and what type of file it is and whether it happens with all files of this type of just a one off and any other details that might give us a clue. If we don't have to guess, the response will be accurate (and quicker).
Ability Office 4 - please always use the built-in help mechanism. It will save having to work out the first 3 items above. Select Help/Online Support within any application. Or, select Start/Programs/Ability Office/Tools/Technical Support.
Older versions - please note that we do not support older versions. For support, an upgrade will be required (see Knowledge Base Article 2). You can still submit the query using the online support form and we will attempt to reply (but priority will be given to current version users).
A note on replying. If you recieve a reply from support and you wish to respond, PLEASE ALWAYS INCLUDE THE ENTIRE "CONVERSATION" IN THE RESPONSE. If we receive an email saying nothing other than "You were wrong, it still doesn't work", we have to waste time trying to piece together the full story. Note that most email clients include the original message by default - if you have turned it off, please copy the entire message (including all your original text) and paste it below your latest response.