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Artículo de la base de conocimiento 84
Default sort orderThe default sort order in Database is determined by the Primary Key. This can be set using Format/Table, clicking on a field, selecting Format and then setting Index to Primary Key. When adding new records, the table will show the new entries at the bottom of the table. As soon as the table is closed and re-opened, the table will be sorted according to the Primary Key.
Primary Keys are important in database design. They provide the unique identifier for a record. So usually, you should not use fields like "surname" or "company name", since you cannot guarantee these will be unique. If your table has no obvious candidate for a primary key (e.g. product number, or policy number etc), then simply add an incremental field to your table and set it to be the primary key.
If you want to work with a table in some pre-defined sort order that is different to the primary key, then create a separate Sort Order. A quick example is as follows:
- Right click over the field in table view and select a sort order (Ascending or Descending).
- Select Format/Sort Order and give the sort order a new name and OK the dialog
- Next time you want to work with the table, click on it in Database Manager and select the named sort order directly. Alternatively, open the table and use the Query toolbar to select the sort order.