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Artículo de la base de conocimiento 32

Installing on Windows 98/ME/2000

If install fails to complete under Windows 98/ME/2000, the most likely scenario is that some Microsoft system files are either not installed or need updating.

Installing Ability from CD-ROM

Select Start/Run and enter D:\README.HTM

Steps 4, 5 and 6 are required on a PC that has a fresh copy of Windows 98 installed and has no other software updates.

Alternatively, follow the steps below to install the updates from our website.

Installing Ability from the website

Please install each of the following in turn. All are required on a PC that has a fresh copy of Windows 98 installed and no other software updates. If you get a message saying already installed, please move to the next item.

May be required: Windows Installer 2.0
InstMsiA.exe (1.7MB)

May be required: Windows System file update
MFCSetup.MSI (1.5MB)

May be required: Microsoft JET/DAO.
JetSetup.exe (3.5MB)