Frequently asked questions for self help.
Please take a quick look at common questions (and answers) in the default list. If you can't find what you're looking for, start off by selecting your Ability Office version and then narrow it down by entering search text and/or category.
Knowledge base article 112
What about printed documentation/manual/tutorialsWe no longer produce a printed manual.
In reality, Ability manuals in the past were nothing other than the on-line help in printed form. So by selecting Help/User's Guide in our applications you are accessing a huge help system that if printed, would be around 600 pages. The on-line help is organized into chapters and reads consecutively just like a book.
To view the on-line help, select User's Guide from the Help menu. Or select Start/Programs/Ability Office/User's Guide.
Ability Office version 4 uses a standard Windows HTML help format so if you want to print sections of the User's Guide pages, go to the chapter or page you want and click the Print button (for Ability Office 2002, you would need to download the PDF version of the help system. Click on this link Ability PDF Manual, save the download in your usual download folder, unzip the file and view with Adobe Acrobat Reader - see notes below).
Quick Start Tutorial
A Quick Start Tutorial is available in PDF format. This is an introduction to the most commonly used tasks in Write, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation and Photopaint and written especially for the inexperienced user. The Tutorial is suitable for printing on Letter/A4 and contains 65 pages.
Click on the link below to load into your browser. For slow connections you may prefer to save the file to your local hard drive. To do this in Internet Explorer, right-click over the link and select "Save Target As". You will be prompted to save the file locally.
Ability Office 4: tutorialAbility4.pdf (1MB)
Ability Office 2002: tutorial.pdf (0.65MB)
Note - The Quick Start Tutorial requires Adobe Acrobat reader. If you haven't already got the reader installed (it's free!) you can download it from here: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.