Domande frequenti per l'auto-aiuto.

Si prega di dare una rapida occhiata alle domande (e risposte) comuni nell'elenco predefinito. Se non riesci a trovare quello che stai cercando, inizia selezionando la tua versione di Ability Office e poi restringila inserendo il testo di ricerca e/o la categoria.

Articolo della base di conoscenza 155

How to save to the cloud (Dropbox)

Ability automatically recognizes an active Dropbox installation and will display an extra tab on the tabbed-toolbar when it does as per the screenshot below. Dropbox is an independent provider of cloud storage and offers a free storage facility.

Cloud storage means your documents are stored on a server connected to the internet and so your documents are accessible wherever you can get an internet connection (whether you have Ability installed or not).

If you do not have a Dropbox account, you can easily set one up for no cost. Just go to http://www.dropbox.com and follow the instructions to create a new account and install the dropbox client.